Linda K. Johnson - SWFAiR, Daily Movement Journal (2007-08)
Linda K. Johnson - The View From Here (1999)
Linda K. Johnson - Carton Services Project (2007)

Linda K. Johnson - Intersection (1991) Photo: Teri Carter and Carolyn Stuart

Finding the Forest (1991)

Linda K. Johnson - A Lunchtime (2005)

Linda K. Johnson - TaxLot #1S1E4ODD, A Temporary Edible Urban Garden (2000-01)
Linda K. Johnson - Requim (2006)
Linda K. Johnson - Walking to Know: Satellite (2011)
South Waterfront AiR studio (2007-08)

Mycelium Dreams (2022)

Linda K. Johnson - The City Dance of Lawrence and Anna Halprin (2008)

Linda K. Johnson - Trio A, 2014 (Yvonne Rainer, 1966)